The start of the holiday season is underway, and the last month of the year is sure to be a busy one with upcoming shopping excursions, parties, dinners and social holiday outings.
Starting in three weeks, the official arrival of the winter season will hit the state Dec. 21, bringing Ohioans indoors as they seek warmth, comfort, and solace not only during this holiday season but for the start of the New Year. took a break from Ohio sports betting and utilized Statista data on the most popular candle scents worldwide as a starting point. We then used Google Trends to determine the most searched scent in each state. After completing the trends over the past five years (Nov. 2018 to Nov. 2023), we were able to determine the top 3 candle scents for each state to celebrate Candle Day on Dec. 2.
Here is what Ohioans love to strike a match to:
Favorite Candle Scents in Ohio
Buckeye State Bucks National Trend
The Buckeye State is among nine of the 26 states to choose pumpkin as their top choice in candle scents. That would make for quite an upset on Ohio betting apps.
Surprisingly, four of the five states that touch the Ohio border also chose pumpkin as their No. 1 selection (Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Pennsylvania), as one would identify pumpkin more with the October (Halloween) and November (Thanksgiving) months.
Ohio was among 10 states to rank the rather soothing flavor of vanilla as their No. 2 candle scent. When Ohioans burn out both scents, rose is the third choice. Seventeen states had rose chosen as their No. 3 candle scent. Candle Day is celebrating its 10-year anniversary as the day was launched by Bath and Body Works in 2013.

Lou Monaco returns as a freelance gambling writer after a brief hiatus and 3 1/2-year stint with He also is a freelance contributor to and to the newly launched Currently he is also the nighttime high school sports desk manager and part-time writer for NJ Advanced Media ( in Iselin, NJ. Lou has over 30+ years of sports experience with previous stints at ESPN SportsTicker, Daily Racing Form and Oddschecker.